Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I find the Wireguard file from NymVPN?
- When does NymVPN fully launch?
- How many devices can I use with NymVPN?
- Which country should I connect NymVPN to?
- What devices and operating systems does NymVPN support?
- Why do I experience slow speeds on NymVPN?
- How to select the best NymVPN server in USA?
- Does Tor work with NymVPN?
- Why do online activities get censored when choosing certain exit locations?
- What is WireGuard?
- How is server location determined by NymVPN?
- Does NymVPN offer Always-on/Kill switch features on Android?
- How to use NymVPN App Shortcuts?
- Is NymVPN suitable for businesses or organizations?
- How can I provide feedback or report issues during the beta?
- Do I get a new IP address every time I use NymVPN?
- Why does NymVPN require access to my device's camera?
- How can I contribute to the NymVPN network?
- What makes NymVPN different from Tor and other onion/garlic routers?
- What makes NymVPN different from other decentralized VPNs?
- What makes NymVPN different from traditional VPNs?
- Contact Us